Online Business Engagement: An Alternative Job Opportunity Among College Of Business Administration Graduates


  • Cynthia Manalad Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology



Online Business, Business Administration, , Business Opportunities, Graduate Students


Every online business has a different target to market. Therefore, people who will manage must be qualified to be in charge to be advanced in any progress that may come up. The College of Business Administration graduates are qualified enough but how they will put their knowledge with a big problem caused by the pandemic. This study aimed to determine the online business engaged online business opportunities encountered by college of Business Administration graduates during the pandemic. The purposive and convenience sampling techniques were employed in the selection of respondents and participants in this study. This study used the descriptive method by using a validated researcher made survey questionnaire in gathering the data. The results provided insights into developing a sustainable building program for College of business administration graduates in online business opportunities encountered by College of business administration graduates in terms of personal growth, financial benefit and business training.





How to Cite

Manalad, C. (2023). Online Business Engagement: An Alternative Job Opportunity Among College Of Business Administration Graduates. United Frontiers Conference Proceedings (UFCP), 1(1), 12.