The Effect of Proactive Health Awareness on Health Behaviors of College Students in Higher Education


  • Li Li Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Dhakir Abbas Ali Faculty of Business and Accountancy, Lincoln University College, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Qiaopei Hu School of Business, Nanning University, Nanning, China



College Students, Proactive Health Awareness, Logit Binary Model, LDA Thematic Model, Cluster Analysis


Active health has become the focus of much attention in society, and active health awareness has been recognized at all levels and in all academic disciplines as the best way to improve health, especially the health management of college and university students. Although many studies have shown that exercise, diet and sleep are the best medicine for college students' health intervention, few studies have focused on health awareness and psychological intervention. Considering the actual situation of school education in China, domestic researchers have conducted a series of studies on college students' health management. The results of these studies have to a certain extent broadened the horizons of the development of China's physical education and provided a certain reference basis for the development of China's physical education reform. To understand the current health status of college students, and to formulate and implement proactive health management measures, this paper conducted a questionnaire survey and instrumental measurements of college students' diet, exercise, physical function (including neck and shoulder condition and cardiorespiratory fitness), psychology, and sleep quality using a whole group sampling method from selected colleges and universities in Guangxi Province, China. It was found that about 38% of the university students had various psychological and physical problems. In view of this, the common health problems of college students include high health risk factors, deviation of body mass index, low exercise fitness and poor health awareness. It is recommended to improve the health literacy level of college students through the trial implementation of college students' health management regulations, increase active health promotion and other countermeasures, to arouse the high attention of the school and the society to the health management problems of college students.




How to Cite

Li, L., Ali, D. A., & Hu, Q. (2023). The Effect of Proactive Health Awareness on Health Behaviors of College Students in Higher Education. United Frontiers Conference Proceedings (UFCP), 1(1), 9.